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June 13, 2021/
Welcome to part 6 of the lecture on OSGI, OSGI Component Configuration. After reading this article, you should be able to We will not review the older list five ways of...

August 1, 2020/
Welcome to part 4 of the OSGI module Bundle Lifecycle.After reading this article, you should Lifecycle – Second OSGI Layer Lifecycle is the second architectural layer of OSGI, the first...

July 25, 2020/
Welcome to part 3, in this part we will get familiar with Package Import and Export in OSGI bundles After reading this article you should be able to Maven Bundle Plugin Let’s...

July 14, 2020/
Welcome to part 2, in this part we will get familiar with OSGI Bundles. After reading this article you should be able to Bundles – First OSGI Layer Bundles are...
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- OSGI Bundles
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