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Instead of directly working with Cloud Manager’s git repository, customers can work with their own git repository or multiple own git repositories. In these cases, an automated synchronization process should be set…

Objectives After reading this article, you should have an Development Goals Sling Models are available since AEM 6.0 but can also be installed in CQ 5.6.1.Main advantages of using Sling…

Sling Post Servlet, Resource Resolver, Service Users Welcome to the second part of the Sling Framework. After completing this part, you should be able to Sling POST Servlet Sling POST…

Sling Architecture, REST Principles, Sling Resolving Hello! Today I will introduce you to the Sling Framework. After this session you should have an What is Apache Sling? Introduction to Apache Sling…

Welcome to part 8, in this final part we will review Servlets & Filters in OSGI environment. More precisely we will look at only one case, Sling Servlets & Filters in AEM. After reading…
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