Instead of directly working with Cloud Manager’s git repository, customers can work with their own git repository or multiple own git repositories. In these cases, an automated synchronization process should be set up to ensure that Cloud Manager’s git repository is always kept up-to-date. With an automation in place, every push to a customer-owned git repository can be automatically forwarded to Cloud Manager’s git repository.
To complete this tutorial, you need to have following things
- Azure DevOps Personal Access Token
- Adobe Cloud Manager Access Repo Info
- Setup Azure pipeline
- Create new Azure pipeline and add pipeline variables as secret variables
a. CloudManager.PAT with value as your Cloud Manager PAT
b. AzureDevOps.PAT with value as your Azure DevOps PAT

2. Add a Powershell task

3. Refer the below script
# Starter pipeline
# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more:# trigger:
- main
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- task: PowerShell@2
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
# Write your PowerShell commands here.
Write-Host ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'
Write-Host ' Reflect Azure Devops repo changes to Cloud Manager repo'
Write Host ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '
$stageDir = '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)' | Split-Path
$githubDir = $stageDir +"/"+"gitHub"
$destination = $githubDir +"/"+"<azure-repo-name>.git"
#please provide your username
$alias = '<userName>:'+ "$(CloudManager.PAT)"
#Please make sure, you remove https from azure-repo-clone-url
#Example: https://$(AzureDevOps.PAT)
$sourceURL = https://$(AzureDevOps.PAT)@<azure-repo-clone-url>
#Please make sure, you remove https from cloud-repo-clone-url
$destURL = 'https://' + $alias + '@<github-repo-clone-url>'
#Check if the parent directory exists and delete
if((Test-Path -path $githubDir))
Remove-Item -Path $githubDir -Recurse -force
if(!(Test-Path -path $githubDir))
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $githubDir
Set-Location $githubDir
git clone --mirror $sourceURL
} else {
Write-Host "The given folder path $githubDir already exists";
Set-Location $destination
Write-Output '*****Git removing remote origin****'
git remote rm origin
Write-Output '*****Git remote add****'
git remote add --mirror=fetch origin $destURL
Write-Output '*****Git fetch origin****'
git fetch $sourceURL
Write-Output '*****Git push to Cloud Manager****'
git push -f origin --all
Write-Output '**Azure Devops repo synced with Cloud Manager repo**'
Set-Location $stageDir
if((Test-Path -path $githubDir)) {
Remove-Item -Path $githubDir -Recurse -force
Optional Step:
Specify events that trigger pipelines
Use triggers to run a pipeline automatically. Azure Pipelines supports many types of triggers. Based on your pipeline’s type

Now, whenever push performs on main or dev branch the pipeline will trigger automatically and perform the action as per script.
Hope you enjoyed this article, Thank you for your attention!